since i am on a strawberry overload let me share this awesome fruit truffle ( my mix and match).it is easy to make and can be made in advance for any party. it looks quite presentable and is yummy. best part is you can top it up with anything, whipped cream, thick custard, or ice cream.
for single serving add substract for number of people
any good fruit cake.
chopped fruits mixed of your choice( mango, strawberry, apple, banana)
thick whipped cream/ vanilla custard or ice cream
take any dessert glass...
crumble and put fruit cake at the bottom.
pour a little mixed fruit juice over it just to wet the cake.
meanwhile sprinkle sugar over the mixed fruits. as per taste since most fruits are sweet anyway.
add chopped fruits over it
option 1
top with whipped cream. thick semi sweet cream that has been whisked well.
option 2
take 1 cup heavy whipping cream add 2 table spoon sugar and 1 cup mascapone cheese ( Italian soft cheese)
whisk the mixture well till it forms peeks and add on top of fruit.
option 3
pour thick custard over fruits ( ur regular instant custard made at home with milk and sugar..)
use a lot of chopped strawberries over that
top it with vanilla ice cream in end..
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