Wholewheat Bread Loafs
Baking breads at home can be fun really.. But it is something that comes with practice. Do Not get disheartened with the first few disasters. I had at least 4-5 of them till i found the perfect recipe and perfected the process. this recipe is specially for my friend Namrata.. hope you enjoy making this one as much as i do.

After a couple of disasters I realised in order to make a bread at home there can never be 100% wheat flour. I have been using a cheat code where I use wheat flour and all purpose flour( maida) in 3:1 ratio. That way the bread rises better. Also the quality of yeast is very important. I have been using this particular one and it very good. mainly coz the yeast granules are very fine. they dissolve better and leave no after taste.
A lot is said about water quantity. Trust me there is nothing like a rule. Every flour quality needs its own quantity of water. So adjust it as per yours. I guess kneading is much easier for Indians since we have better experience & practice. :)
also in case you don't have enough warmth for the dough to rise. there is an easier way out by warming the oven at the lowest like 50 degrees C. And keeping the bowl inside in the warm draft free space for rising. It rises better and faster.
The ingredients are very simple.
You Need
2 3/4 cups flour ( my way 1 3/4 cup wheat flour + 1 cup Maida)
approx 1 cup water
1/8 cup olive oil
1 tbsp sugar
3/4 tbsp active dried yeast
How To -
In about 1/4 cup of Luke warm water add yeast, sugar and 1/2 tsp salt.
Let it rise in warm corner till it froths. Say about 10-15 min.
In a Bowl or plate mix Flour with olive oil and salt.

Knead it into a soft dough using hands. This needs a lot of energy and time. The idea is that the dough should become springy when touched. In case u can't do it on your own, call for help.. I prefer letting my Hubby do this hard work ;) Proof his hands in the picture hehe...
Oil a large bowl and put the Dough Ball in it. Cover it with a cling foil and keep it for rising. In case the weather is not warm keep it in the oven as suggested above.
The rising may take anywhere between 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hour depending on temperature. It basically should nearly double in volume. Once done Punch in the centre and collect it as a ball to take out excess air.
Cut the ball into 2 for 2 loaves. Roll out first using some additional flour in a neat square.
Roll it and place it on a Baking tray . Sprinkle some cornmeal on the tray to prevent sticking.
Make slashes if you want using a sharp knife and let the tray rise in warm draft free space until it doubles in size.
Once double Put them in Pre- Heated oven at 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
Breads are done when they appear golden and sound hollow when tapped at bottom. A great cheat code I have learnt from a blog is to keep a bowl of water in the oven. the steam from the water keeps the bread crust moist and not dry. It works.
I also apply olive oil or butter over still warm breads that gives great taste and keeps them moist.
let the breads cool on a wire rack and pack in a bread box.. they are just great with everything specially with Garlic cheese topping.